Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Ophthalmologist During An Eye Exam

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Ophthalmologist During An Eye Exam

August 08, 2023

Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining optimal vision and eye health. When visiting your eye doctor, it's essential to ask the right questions to ensure you receive accurate information and personalized care. In this article, we'll discuss the top 10 questions you should ask your eye doctor to get the most out of your appointment and take proactive steps towards preserving your vision.

1. How often should I have an eye exam?

Begin by understanding the recommended frequency of eye exams based on your age, health, and risk factors. Your eye doctor can provide guidance on how often you should schedule routine check-ups.

2. What tests will be conducted during the exam?

Inquire about the specific tests and assessments that will be performed during the eye exam. These may include visual acuity tests, refraction tests, and checks for conditions like glaucoma and macular degeneration.

3. Am I at risk for any eye conditions or diseases?

Discuss your family medical history and any personal risk factors that might make you more susceptible to certain eye conditions. This information helps your eye doctor tailor their examination to your needs.

4. How can I protect my eyes from digital eye strain?

With increased screen time, it's important to ask about ways to prevent digital eye strain. Your eye doctor can provide tips on proper screen ergonomics and blue light filtering options.

5. Are my current glasses or contact lenses still suitable for my vision needs?

If you wear corrective eyewear, inquire whether your prescription needs any adjustments. Changes in vision over time might necessitate updates to your glasses or contact lenses.

6. Are there lifestyle changes I can make to improve my eye health?

Discuss diet, exercise, and habits that promote healthy eyes. Your eye doctor can recommend foods rich in eye-friendly nutrients and suggest lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of eye conditions.

7. What symptoms should prompt immediate attention?

Ask about specific symptoms that might indicate an urgent issue requiring immediate medical attention. Understanding warning signs helps you act swiftly in case of emergencies.

8. Do I need prescription sunglasses?

Inquire about the importance of protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays and ask if prescription sunglasses might be beneficial, especially if you spend time outdoors.

9. Can I benefit from vision correction procedures like LASIK?

If you're interested in vision correction surgery, ask your eye doctor if you're a suitable candidate for procedures like LASIK. They can explain the potential benefits and risks.

10. How can I maintain my eye health between exams?

Conclude by seeking advice on how to maintain good eye health on a day-to-day basis. Your eye doctor can provide guidance on proper eye hygiene, tips for preventing infections, and maintaining overall eye comfort.


Asking the right questions during your eye doctor appointment empowers you to take control of your eye health. The answers you receive will help you make informed decisions about your vision care and implement practices that contribute to long-term eye well-being. Remember that your eye doctor is your partner in maintaining healthy vision, so don't hesitate to ask any questions that come to mind during your visit.