Write For Us & Submit a Guest Post

As OBN, we're always looking for new high-quality content and articles. Submit your article, become a guest author and share your views with OBN's +40,000 monthly users. 

You can find the guidelines and information about submitting your article below.

Guidelines to Follow for Guest Articles

Content Idea: Please pitch your content/article idea to us before writing the actual article.

Original Article: OBN only publishes original articles. Your content shouldn't be published anywhere else.

Content Quality: Your content/article has to be high-quality with no spelling or grammatical errors. Include facts, references or anecdotes to the information you give.

Topics We Accept: We accept content in the bounds of our categories. Guest posts can be about new ophthalmic research, vision loss and various eye diseases, your views about any topic related to ophthalmology. OBN always checks the idea first and decides if it's suitable for OBN readers.

Recommended Article Length: min. 700 words - max. 2,500 words.

Formatting: Provide a clear takeaway or learning for readers. Use headings, subheadings and numbered lists/bullets to structure your article. Use short paragraphs, every paragraph should be no more than 4-5 sentences.

Outbound Linking: Feed your facts with high-authority external links.

Inbound Linking: Provide links to ophthalmologybreakingnews.com's published articles where appropriate.

Unique/Original Content: Your post should be original and distinct from articles already posted on ophthalmologybreakingnews.com

Use of Multimedia: OBN encourages authors to include images, infographics and videos in their articles as a part of the submission. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use the multimedia from outside sources. Included multimedia have to be high-quality and should have source citations.

OBN's Editorial Rights: OBN reserves the right to edit the content you submit. This will mainly be done to correct spelling and grammatical errors. 

Assests to Include in Submission: All final drats should be accompanied by an author bio(40-50 words) and photo(400*400 px). Your author bio may include 1 link to your website's homepage with a brand name anchor text.

Terms of Use: By submitting an article, you agree to us using it on our website (with any amends we deem suitable) and you will not claim for payment or copyright infringement now or in the future. When the article is published on our website, it is then owned by OBN and you are not permitted to re-publish the article without our prior written approval.

How to Submit: Submit your final draft articles or inquiries regarding to guest articles to

Advertorials & Advertise Options: If you want to advertise on OBN's website, socials, e-newsletter or if you want to discuss other forms of collaboration you can contact us via marketing-obn@agencyexon.com and infoophthalmologybreakingnews@gmail.com

OBN doesn't allow press releases, sales pitches, product reviews etc. type of content here. You can send press releases through OBN's Submit Press Release page.

We only publish high-quality articles. Low-quality content submissions are rejected.