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Study Reveals Most Glaucoma Patients Unaware of Preservative-Free Treatment Options

Study Reveals Most Glaucoma Patients Unaware of Preservative-Free Treatment Options

March 14, 2025

A nationwide survey conducted by the Preservative Freedom Coalition highlights a critical gap in patient awareness regarding preservative-free treatment options for glaucoma, underscoring the need for better communication between patients and eye care providers.

Survey Findings: Lack of Awareness About Preservative-Free Options

The Preservative Freedom Glaucoma Patient Experience Survey included 558 individuals with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension across the United States. The study was released in conjunction with World Glaucoma Week, a time when the Preservative Freedom Coalition is advocating for greater discussion around preservative-free alternatives.

A key finding of the survey revealed that 61% of glaucoma patients were unaware that preservative-free treatment options were available for their condition.

Elena Sturman, President and CEO of The Glaucoma Foundation and a founding member of the Preservative Freedom Coalition, emphasized the significance of this finding:

“The most surprising revelation from the survey was that the majority of patients with glaucoma were not aware of their preservative-free options, despite their availability on the market. This is crucial because it reinforces the importance of having these conversations with patients and empowering them to take control of their ocular health, potentially mitigating side effects.”

The Impact of Preservatives in Glaucoma Treatment

Preservatives commonly used in glaucoma eye drops have been linked to inflammatory reactions on the ocular surface. Prolonged exposure can result in chronic irritation or potential long-term damage, making preservative-free options an important consideration for enhancing patient comfort and treatment adherence.

Additional Key Findings from the Study

       • Only 1 in 5 glaucoma patients reported being satisfied with their current treatment.

       • About 33% of patients admitted to stopping, skipping, or requesting a change in medication due to undesirable side effects.

      • Gritty eyes (62%) was cited as a common symptom, often linked to preservative use in eye drops.

       • 60% of respondents expressed concerns about preservative toxicity, and 39% linked it to disease progression, highlighting a critical conversation point for eye care professionals.

The Need for Better Patient-Provider Communication

The study reinforces the essential role of eye care providers in educating patients about treatment options and ensuring they have access to the safest and most effective therapies available.

Jacob Lang, OD, Medical Director for Dry Eye Services at Associated Eye Care, President of the Intrepid Eye Society, and a founding member of the Preservative Freedom Coalition, emphasized the importance of integrating preservative-free treatments:

“As medical professionals, we are the caretakers of eye health, and we have the responsibility to preserve and protect our patients’ vision. By integrating preservative-free treatments, we advance patient care, help reduce preservative-related side effects, and support long-lasting eye health.”


The findings from this survey highlight a critical opportunity to improve glaucoma patient care by increasing awareness and access to preservative-free treatment options. As eye care professionals and organizations work together to educate patients, better treatment adherence and improved long-term eye health outcomes may be achieved.